Information on STDs and Viruses
Sexuality is one of our most basic and beautiful characteristics as human beings. We are all driven toward each other because of it. Unfortunately Over the years intercourse has become increasingly dangerous. With STDs and viruses spreading like wildfire across the world we must all take steps to protect ourselves. The estimated total number of people living in the US with STD is over 65 million. There are literally millions of new STD cases each year creating an extremely dangerous environment for all of us. Most at risk of contracting an STD or STI are people from ages 16 to 26 Young people tend to be more promiscuous and by having more partners increase their risk in contracting an STD or virus. There has also been a steady STD increase in college students because of drug and alcohol use.
There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases and viruses out there which can be easily treated or can be become terminal (deadly). But all of them are dangerous. We all have unanswered questions about STDs and viruses, and being properly informed is without a doubt our best defense to preventing, contracting, and/or spreading these harmful disease's and bacteria's.

In this web site we will go over the most common STDs, viruses, and STIs including AIDS/ HIV, scabies, chlamydia, crabs, UTIs, pubic lice, gonorrhea, genital warts (HPV), syphilis, and genital herpes. You can find all the information on prevention of STDs, diagnosis and symptoms Of STD s (Do I have an STD?), STD treatments, and STD cures. We also have videos, pictures, photos and pics on STDs and people's personal experiences on how they contracted the STDs and how there dealing with them day to day.
What's an STD
STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease or a more accurate term would be STI which stands for sexually transmitted infection. Since not all STDs are diseases and are in fact infections the medical community has incorporated this new term which will soon be the standard when talking about these common infections. Some STD examples include: Herpes, Hpv (Genital Warts), and Aids Hiv. STIs include: Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and chlamydia. There are even parasites that are considered STDs because they are related to sexual contact they include: Scabies (which is body lice) and Genital Crabs or Pubic Lice both of which are parasites that live on or in the human body.
STD Symptoms Do I Have an STD?
If you're curious of what symptoms to look out for because you think you may have contracted an STD we've created a quick check list you can check out before going to your local doctor or clinic. So here's a common couple of signs of an STD
- Is your urine dark and or smell bad?
- Is your genital area secreting puss or discharge?
- Do you experience a burning sensation when urinating.?
- Do you have a strange rash or itching sensation?
- Do you have any legions, bumps, or warts in the genital or anus area?
- Have you noticed an unusual odor?
- Have you noticed a strange blister or open sore?
- Do you have pain during intercourse that wasn't there previously?
- Do you have abdominal pain?
- Have you noticed any unusual or unexplained swelling?
- Have you noticed small eggs or nits in your pubic hair or armpits?
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should see a medical professional immediately. Some STDs and STIs can be cleared up quickly if treated early so time is a factor. Others may be quite dangerous and must be treated immediately before it becomes worse.
How Did I Get This STD?
Almost always STDs, STIs, and viruses are spread because of unprotected sexual intercourse both vaginal, oral and anal. Although you may also have contracted certain STDs even with use of a condom because they are spread though skin to skin contact and not through bodily fluids such as with Herpes or Genital Warts (HPV).
The general rule of thumb when trying determine when exactly you may have contracted the infection is the three-month rule. Most STDs usually start to show symptoms after this period of time. But don't automatically think you're safe after an unprotected sexual encounter after this amount or any amount of time many STDs can stay hidden for months and even years. The only true way to be sure if you have an infection is to visit your doctor and get tested.
Cures and Treatments
While not all STDs can be cured; almost all of them can be treated successfully. If you have recently found out you have or may have a Sexually Transmitted Disease be responsible and get it treated. There are many such treatment options available.
When caught early many infections and parasites can be successfully treated and cured so seeing a medical professional immediately is the first and most important step. But remember that not all are curable. STDs such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea and Syphilis can be cured with different antibiotics. While other STDs such as Genital warts (HPV) or Herpes (HSV) are incurable and will be with you for life. They can be controlled however with different drug and topical treatments.
Other life-threatening Viruses, such as HIV AIDS or Hepatitis, can be treated and controlled, but even as far as medical science has grown these are still considered extremely dangerous diseases and are considered the scariest and most deadly. If diagnosed with HIV, AIDS or Hepatitis you should follow your doctors advice and take your medication exactly as the directions say. In many cases support groups have helped many people with the hundreds of questions and feelings that are normal with such a diagnosis.
What to expect at the doctors
When going to the doctors, be honest, and tell them everything so they can help you as best they can. Going to find out if you have an STD can be one of the scariest things you may ever do and being quick and honest is definitely in your best interest. When you show up the doctor will most likely ask you why you think you have an STD. They may take blood and urine samples for testing, they will want to look at any bumps or rashes, they may give you a pap smear and even check the anus. Usually they will have a good idea of what you may have contracted before the tests come back while others especially viruses like Aids and hepatitis it may be weeks before you get your tests back and you may have to go back and get more tests done before you are properly diagnosed.