HPV Overview
Genital Warts or HPV stands for The Human Papillomavirus. An STD (sexually transmitted disease), and dangerous virus that has now been proven to cause cervical cancer in women is fast becoming the number one STD in the US. HPV is the virus that causes Genital Warts. While not all of the strains of HPV cause Genital Warts the most prominent strains do. The STD HPV (Genital Warts) has more than one hundred strains four of which cause Cervical Cancer and more than thirty of them cause Genital Warts.
According to the CDC at least 20 million people in the USA are infected with HPV. Many of whom are infected with the strains that cause Genital Warts and cervical cancer. At least half of the US population will acquire HPV and Genital Warts by the time they reach 50 years of age and 80% of women will be infected with Genital Warts by the end of their lifetime.
Genital warts do not have to be present to pass the virus to your partner. Many people have no signs or symptoms of HPV, but still carry the virus. HPV is transmitted through some kind of sexual contact. And can either be oral, anal, or regular sexual intercourse. Genital Warts are extremely easy to catch even when wearing a condom. It is almost impossible to know if your partner is carrying the virus because of the lack of symptoms that may or may not be present. Genital Warts don't have to be present to become infected with HPV because it can be caught from touching the infected skin or through sexual fluids. This is why it's fast becoming a worldwide epidemic with 6.2 million new cases each year in the US alone.
HPV Genital Warts Symptoms Do I Have Genital Warts?
While Symptoms of Genital Warts and HPV can be non existent, you will generally see signs of the virus in about three months after sexual contact with someone infected with HPV.
Genital Warts symptoms include small spots on the skin of the genital area or anus. They are generally little pink spots or raised bumps that can look like little warts or cauliflower shaped bumps. Not all types of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) cause Genital Warts so remember you may still have HPV without actually getting Genital Warts. Remember, Genital Warts are just a symptom of HPV.
Symptoms of HPV are usually more prominent in men than women because the warts are easier to see on the penis and the base of the penis rather than in or around the vagina. Women may have no visible symptoms, but are in high risk of contracting HPV and getting Genital Warts, which has become known to have a strong link to cervical cancer. Getting checked out often will help you avoid many complications including spreading of the cancer, complications with pregnancy, and in extreme cases even death.
HPV Symptoms in women are the same as in men. You may find Genital Warts around the outside of the vagina as well as on the inside of the Labia or "lips". The small bumps may also show up deeper, which is why regular pap smears are essential in women of all ages to avoid possible issues. In men, you may see the warts around the base of the penis, on the shaft, the head, and in or around the anus.
When you contract HPV you may not see any Genital Wart symptoms for a long time maybe even years. Genital warts will usually develop from the HPV virus when you are at your weakest, like when you're sick or not sleeping right. Eating healthy and exercising is a very important ingredient in preventing future HPV outbreaks.
HPV Genital Warts Diagnoses Treatment and Cures
Doctors can easily diagnose HPV by either a visual inspection or through a pap smear in search of Genital Warts or cancerous cells. If no warts are visible, there are DNA tests that can be taken to find out if you have HPV and what strain you may have.
What Do Genital Warts Look Like? Genital Warts Pictures.
Warning Graphic Genital Wart pictures!
Picture of Genital WartsPicture of Genital Warts in Men

Genital Warts, Caused by HPV as said above, are small bumps around the genital areas including the anus. The warts may be flat or raised and are generally a pink fleshy color or slightly dark almost brown. There may only be a singular wart in an area or many warts grouped together.
There is no cure for HPV, but genital warts can be treated by a medical professional. If you have any symptoms or think you may have genital warts, you should seek medical attention immediately. Once there a doctor can properly diagnose and treat any warts that may be present.
Treating Genital Warts is a fairly easy process, the most common of them is to use an acid solution podophyllin or to freeze them off using liquid nitrogen. Both depend on your specific needs and the doctor.
There is a new vaccine out Gardasil. Which should help slow down the spread of HPV and Genital Warts. You have to get three shots over a six month period and is recommended for only females ages nine to 26. The vaccine targets the four strains of the disease which are considered "high risk" being linked to causing cervical cancer.
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