UTI Overview
A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or bladder infection isn't really a sexually transmitted disease although many times intercourse is the reason that it develops. A UTI is an infection in the urinary tract, a part of your body which consists of the ureters, kidneys, bladder and urethra. It's set up like this. The kidneys clean out the blood of any toxins, liquids and waste that is then carried to the bladder through a small tube called the ureter that is then disposed of through the urethra.
Generally you become infected with a UTI when bacteria enters through the urethra and starts to multiply in the bladder and the urine becomes infected. Normally urine is sterile and free of any bacteria, but can become infected through sexual intercourse, not being clean, introducing foreign objects to the urethra, an enlarged prostate, or from other Std's such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea

Many people in the world have, or have had a urinary tract infection within their life time and more than half of all women will be infected with a UTI. Women are most at risk in becoming infected with a UTI because of their shorter urethra, and sexual intercourse from the penis pushing the bacteria into the urethra.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Symptoms
Symptoms of having a UTI can be mild until a more serious condition develops, but symptoms that are usually present when infected with a Urinary Tract Infection are:
- A need to urinate frequently.
- A slight burning sensation while urinating.
- A pain in the bladder area.
- A slight fever.
UTI Diagnosis and Treatment
Fortunately Diagnosing and Treating a Urinary Tract Infection is a simple and painless procedure. Doctors can take urine samples to look for the infection and will probably prescribe you antibiotics on the spot knowing already what the test results are going to come back as because of the commonness of this infection. As with all medication, it's very important that you take it as directed. Just because you think the infection is gone doesn't mean it is making sure you have completed your antibiotic regiment is very important in insuring that the infection will not return.