FAQ About Sexually Transmitted Diseases – STDs
- What Is An STD?
- Do I Have An STD?
- What Are The Symptoms Of STDs?
- Is There A Cure For STDs?
- How Many People Have An STD?
- I Have An STD Did My Partner Cheat On Me?
- How Do I Avoid Contracting An STD?
- Can I Get An STD By Performing Oral intercourse?
- Can I Get An STD If I’m a Virgin?
- Do All STDs Have Symptoms?
- Are Condoms Effective Against All STDs?
- Can I Get An STD Even If My Partner Has No Symptoms?
- Are Cold Sores Really Herpes?
- Can I Get An STD From Kissing?
- Should I Get Tested For An STD?
- Can I Get An STD More Than Once?
- Can I Get An STD From A Public Toilet?
- Dark or smelly urine - This could be a sign of a kidney infection or something more serious caused by Gonorrhea or Chlamydia or even a UTI.
- A secretion or discharge from a genital organ - This is a common symptom of Gonorrhea or Chlamydia.
- A strange rash or spots on your body - A rash may be a sign of Scabies or Crabs and Spots are a common sign of the second stage of Syphilis.
- A burning sensation when urinating - This could be a sign of Chlamydia or Gonorrhea and should be looked at immediately.
- Bumps, legions, blisters, or warts on the genital area - While bumps can be normal they may be something more serious and should be looked at as with warts and blisters which could be as you may already know symptoms of Herpes or Hpv.
- An unusual odor - A normal sign of an infection similar to a UTI.
- White spots in pubic hair or small bugs - White spots in pubic hair are a sign of Crabs and could be a sign of Scabies
What is an STD?
An STD stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease meaning exactly what it says. A disease that is commonly transmitted in a sexual manner either through intercourse anal or oral. There are many STDs that can be transmitted in other ways other than sexually, but is generally rare.
Do I have an STD?
It is can be very hard to say if you have an STD without proper testing because some STDs show very little or no symptoms, but if you have had any sexual contact in your life especially unprotected, but not limited to, you are could be at risk of being infected with an STD and should be tested regularly.
.What are the Symptoms of STDs
While most STDs do show some kind of symptoms it’s very possible that symptoms may go unnoticed or might not exist at all. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should seek medical attention immediately because you may have an STD.
Is there a cure for STDs?
Some STDs are curable if diagnosed at an early enough time while others have no cure and if you contract it, it will stay with you the rest of your life.
How many people have STDs?
The easiest answer is about one in four people have an STD, but can be even more because some STDs can be treated at home such as Crabs and won’t end up being counted by medical providers.
I have an STD did my partner cheat on me?
If you recently found out you have an STD and you have been in a monogamous with your relationship boyfriend or girlfriend and you have not cheated it doesn’t necessarily mean your partner has cheated on you, contracted an STD and given it to you. Many STDs can stay hidden with no symptoms for Years. So while your partner may have given it to you they may have already contracted it before they were with you and it is now just becoming active in there and/or your body. More information Here
How can I avoid contracting an STD?
It should be made more known that even with proper condom usage it is still very easily possible to contract an STD. That being said the only real way to stay clear from STDs, as I’m sure you’ve heard before, is to refrain from any sexual contact including oral. Other than that being in a monogamous relationship where no one cheats and both people have been tested for all STDS you would be fine, but most places don’t test for all STDs and sometimes no matter how well you think you know someone sometimes things happen and they cheat so this is not really a foolproof way of being free and clear of STDs.
Can I get an STD from Oral intercourse?
A common misconception is that you cannot get an STD from giving or receiving oral intercourse. This is of course very untrue. There is Gonorrhea of the throat, Herpes, and Genital Warts of the mouth that can all easily be transmitted when engaging in acts of oral. It may also be possible to spread other STDs such as HIV, Syphilis, Crabs, or Scabies this way as well.